Fundamentals of Mental Health Recovery

There are four main cornerstones of recovery with regard to mental health. These are; Home, Health, Community and Purpose. Recovery is a journey and it is very personal. Recovery is not a one size fits all and each person has to intentionally find out what works for them and apply that accordingly. However, these cornerstones remain the same across the board. Each of these cornerstones have to be properly grounded for every individual to start and maintain a successful mental health recovery journey.

Home could refer to your living place or it could refer to the sense of belonging that you have within yourself. When referring to your living place, having a safe and secure place to live will greatly help with your mental health. The place that you are in should be non-judgmental, free of any substance use and/or mood altering substances, and have people there for support. When referring to the sense of belonging within yourself, it is important to know who you are and have a sense of self-worth. The feeling of belonging is not something that you can get from others, but something that you can get from within. This is where you can start to identify your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and what it is that you really want to do in life. This begins with a journey of self awareness and self acceptance.

Having a healthy body and a healthy mind will help you have good mental health. A well thought out self-care routine is of utmost importance. It is important to eat a well-balanced diet, have regular exercise and have a good sleep pattern to give your body what it needs. When you have a healthy body, it is less likely that you will experience mental health issues. You can also use meditation to help with your mental health. There are many different types of meditation with different focuses. You can look online to find a meditation that suits your needs. Having a good support system around you will also help with your mental health. Having people in your life that care for you and want only the best for you will help you have good mental health and mental wellbeing

We need a sense of community support in recovery. This involves relationships, social networks, and resources that provide support and inclusion.Having a good support system will help with your mental health. This could be a support group, a therapist or just people in your life that care for you and want only the best for you. Connecting with others and helping others will also help with your mental health. Finding something that you are passionate about or that is a part of your purpose will also help with your mental health. Having a purpose in life will make you feel like you are contributing to society and will make you feel fulfilled.

Having a purpose in life will make you feel like you are contributing to society and will make you feel fulfilled. Having a purpose in life is different for everyone and you will know what your purpose is when you find it. Having a purpose in life can help with your mental health and overall well-being. I have found purpose and meaning in my recovery journey. This has been achieved by intentionally engaging in various mental health advocacy activities both locally and internationally, supporting and mentoring other people with lived experiences of mental health conditions, working on this blog among other activities.

In recovery we need to acknowledge and accept that these foundations work together to create a lifelong journey. Even though you are in recovery, you must always be aware that your mental health can be affected by certain circumstances. It is important to recognize your triggers and manage them as best as you can. You may have setbacks, but that is completely normal in a recovery journey. It is important to keep going and not give up; everyone has bad days, but that does not mean that the whole journey is over. Having the right support around you will help with your mental health and will help you through the bad days. In recovery we get an opportunity to edit our life story moving foward. We can’t change our past but we can choose if we let our past define who we become in future.

A successful mental health recovery is an attainable goal, but only if you are willing to put in the work needed to achieve it. Our mental health conditions are not by choice. However, its important to understand that recovery is our choice, our personal responsibility. I am a firm believer that my support system only kicks in when it finds a well laid foundation. I have intentionally designed and defined my recovery journey and I believe everyone should be the captain of their own journey too. To achieve a successful mental health recovery, you need to make sure that you are taking care of your mental health every day by focusing on these four main foundations. By focusing on these foundations, you will be able to achieve a successful mental health recovery.

Yours Truly,
Mentally Unsilenced.

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